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Alliance for eTrade Development

Ecommerce is opening new opportunities for developing country micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to engage in trade, grow, and create new jobs. The Alliance for eTrade Development II ("eTrade Alliance") is a new Global Development Alliance between USAID and 15 leading private sector partners to support MSME cross-border ecommerce development.


The eTrade Alliance aims to increase the number of developing country MSMEs engaged in international ecommerce, and the value and volume of developing country MSMEs' digital trade.

Our Services

Policy and enabling environment

We strengthen developing country regulators’ and policymakers’ ability to adopt policies and champion technologies conducive to MSME ecommerce.

MSME skills development for ecommerce

We work with MSMEs to improve digital trade skills such as digital marketing, management of online stores, customer data analytics, and  global shipping.

Ecommerce logistics and trade facilitation

We measure logistics costs faced by developing country digital traders and develops proofs of concept for smart delivery, address, and logistics technologies for ecommerce delivery.

Access to finance

The Alliance helps build corporate digital IDs, guarantee instruments for FinTech lenders, and mobile financial services to expand online sellers' access to finance.

Inclusive trade

We identify and bridge in-country disparities in the use of ecommerce, engaging rural firms and local leaders in digital trade development.



Supported by

Private Sector Partners

  • Cargill


  • DHL


  • Element


  • Etsy


  • Google


  • Latin American eCommerce Institute


  • Youredi


  • HelloTractor






  • Mexican Association for Online Sales (AMVO)


  • Paypal


  • Ringier One Africa Media


  • UPS


  • Visa


  • Nextrade Group (implementing partner)


  • Palladium (implementing partner)



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